NaNoWriMo is live
It’s November. This means National Novel Writing Month is live. Writing goal 50,000 words in 30 Days Daily…
Center Worlds Spark has been updated
It’s only taken me 7 years but I’ve finally updated the first book in the Center Worlds series.…
Authoring To a Plan
Well, 89,600 words and rising. I can see the finish line for this novel, and the start for…
Writing to Style
Up to 88,000+ words and rising. 217 pages of 12 point TNR font. I am putting the finishing…
Book 2 is on the horizon
The Center Worlds saga is about to expand After literally years of work and revisions, finally, Book 2…
Center Worlds – The Spark
The first book in the Center Worlds series, introduces the primary characters and the setting
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