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Up to 88,000+ words and rising. 217 pages of 12 point TNR font. I am putting the finishing touches on this novel and adding polish and increasing the background movement to ensure the main elements all make sense within the much larger picture of the events within the Center Worlds.
I find writing politics is the most boring part of any of this. Writing action or romantic scenes are much easier and allow for more flow of action and ideas. However, in this work, there is politics and it is an integral part so it has to be put in and put into its own place.
My style seems to have developed over the past decade and has somewhat solidified into an emotive romantic methodology with speculative fiction undertones. I like writing hot Sci-Fi.
Since this work was begun, back in 1993, the Center Worlds has evolved greatly, from a singular and violent first revision, up to a multi-species multiple planet romp across tens of parsecs of fantastical space. The basic ideas have remained the same; massive starships owned by leading Clans from the Confederacy fighting against the United Suns and their more limited but in some ways overwhelming technology and technique.
At its heart, this story is about family and how those family bonds can survive and manage under extreme stress and hardship. Like any good work, it’s a story we can identify with, even if the characters are fantastical and unrealistic. The situations and emotions they deal with are real; that is what makes a good story tick. I am aiming for this with the Center Worlds.
So I keep plugging along, adding lines of text here, snippets of dialog there, editing and pruning sections as they fall out of favor or sequence. Moving entire chapters around to ensure the timing and flow read properly. As I read over the original work for this – Center Worlds Spark, I do notice errors that I am also going to work on fixing and will submit an updated copy to the publication locations soon enough. Maybe even before this one launches.
Mine is a mind forever voyaging, and my brain is scattered. Center Worlds book 2 is near completion. I will update as needed as it approaches.
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